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Need to find out what day is your family member, friends, or love ones
Court date?
We can assist you with this by going to our database. We can provide the information needed.
Call us or fill out the form above to start.
Is your family member, friend or loved ones being detain and don't know where.
Let us help you locate them.
Contact our inmate information center for fast help.
If a family member, friend or loved one is arrested by the Santa Ana Police Department he or she will be booked into that facility.
The Santa Ana PD is a substation in Orange County and which they do house or book in males and females. Santa Ana PD only holds the arrestees temporary until they are transferred to Inmate Reception Center.
IRC is where everyone comes to first, then the facility make the determination on what county facility your family member, friend or loved ones will be transferred to. Females can either stay at IRC or be transferred into Women Central or Musick.
DISCLAIMER: Do note that this website is designed to help family members, friends or loved ones acquire free information. This site is not sponsored by Santa Ana Police Station. If you need to get in contact with the Santa Ana PD please call 714-245-8665. This website is a marketing service